Word Contradictions
We like to collect new English words. Here is our collection so far:
Here is a list of new words (neologisms) that we have collected since late 2010. See if you can find a correlation between the types of words created and the state of the world’s economies. We think we can.
- Mercozy (Angela Merkel & Nicolas Sarkozy)
- Drachmark (Drachma-Deutschmark aka Euro)
- Staycation (stay at home vacation)
- Brangelina (Brad and Angelina Jolie)
- Middlescence (middle-aged adolescence)
- Jafraican (Jamaican African words from Ali G, e.g. Nang, Greezy, Butters)
- Chillax (chill out and relax)
- Bromance (brotherly romance)
- Kidult (kid-adult)
- Grandmooner (Grandparent honeymooner)
- Clicktivists (clicking activists)
- Metrosexual (Metropolitan heterosexual)
- Sabpacking (sabbatical backpacking)
- Fitocracy (Fit aristocracy, eg. Personal trainers in NY)
- Smirting (Smoking and flirting)
- Affluential (Affluent & influential)
- Phacking (Phone hacking)
- Nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia)
- Moobs (man boobs)
- Presenteeism (opposite of absenteeism)
- Mentefacturing (mental manufacturing)
- Churnalism (churned journalism)
- Britagne (new name for British champagne)
- Protox (professional botox)
- Aquaholic (excessive water drinker)
- Hackipedia (hacking Wikipedia)
- Wikileaks (Wikipedia type leaks)
- Twevolution (tweeting revolution)
- Clangelina (Clan Brangelina –see above)
- Retweet (re-tweeting as tweet)
- Jeggings (jeans that are also leggings)
- Sexting (sexually explicit texting)
- Mankini (Man bikini as worn by Borat)
- Camponomics (Camp-based economics)
- Movember (Moustache in November)
- Osbournism (George Osbourne’s realism)
- Recyclopath (recycling psychopath)
- Freeboobing (no bra under shirt)
- Aforetexted (texted before)
- Brovember (Brother’s November)
- Identiphobia (Identity phobia)
- Scoratorium (Score moratorium ie. TV off)
- Halloweenorexia (Halloween anorexia)
- Skeezy (sketchy and sleazy)
- Groutfiti (grout graffiti, writing in the grout)
- Manolescent (Man adolescent)
- Brofessional (brother professional)
- Carnevoyeur (Carnivore voyeur)
- Thisclose (This close, used by footballers)
- Unlightening (Un-enlightening)
- Dearthquake (Dearth earthquake, small tremor, but major media frenzy)
- Chiptease (a half full bag of chips)
- Cinephile (Cinema lover)
- Carmageddon (Car Armageddon)
- Precrestination (cleaning teeth pre dental visit)
- Paleolinguist (Paleontological linguist)
- Guysmaids (guy bridesmaid for gay wedding)
- Dayturnal (opposite of nocturnal)
- Webrovert (web extrovert, otherwise introvert)