Pitching to win

Most professional people have had little to no training in how to pitch effectively. They have been able to rely on professional training and expert abilities to attract customers and clients.

There is a specific equation to a successful business pitch. Our experts at GPB can advise pitch teams on how best to increase their chances of winning pitches in these expensive and hostile environments.

We focus on...

  • The theory of how to win pitches
  • Pre-pitch contact to build rapport and gain valuable information 
  • Preparation of content and support materials
  • Push-pull techniques
  • Team dynamics and team leadership; and 
  • Question-handling sessions.
We have helped teams to improve radically their chances of success, even ending up with wins when we knew that our client was only there to unsettle the incumbent or opposition. Some of these pitches have been for mandates worth several million or billion pounds, dollars, or, the largest so far being London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games.

This diagram was developed by GPB and has evolved gently over many years as our data sets grew and understanding developed.

It illustrates the two-stage process of selection then elimination, the different metrics used and the different scoring metrics and results at the two stage.